eBooks have increased rapidly in popularity in recent years, with many brands introducing eBook reading devices. Quick and efficient conversion to eBook formatting allows readers to access and enjoy books more conveniently.
Digitization of books and reading materials is in vogue today due to several intrinsic and extrinsic aspects. On one hand, eBooks do not require physical storage space and is available to a wider audience expansive. Likewise, on the other hand these digitized materials are used as online marketing tools. This popularizes these eBooks much faster than the traditional media. Although this is a happy picture from one angle, converting paperback series into digital format can appear like a nightmare for most people from the other angle! This is where 3Alpha introduces itself as the most reliable name among the eBook conversion companies.
Our eBook conversion services allow you to convert your print or electronic books to any eBook publishing format. We offer this high-quality service at competitive prices.
We offer high quality eBook conversion, and can provide OCR conversion before converting print books to eBooks with 99.99% accuracy. Our eBooks are synchronized, and can be read on Kindle, Apple, and Sony devices, as well as many others. We perform thorough checks before completing eBook conversion to assure a high level of quality and precision.
“We’ve crafted a wide range of eBook formats, with an expertise in ePub documents and the devices they can be read on. Our experts put care into each aspect of the books they work with, be it the introduction, notes, or table of contents. With a hyperlinked table of contents and embedded fonts, we make sure the eBooks we convert are easy to navigate on a range of devices.”
There are more than 35 major eBook readers on the market today. We make sure to maintain a high level of quality and consistency, and make sure that the eBooks we produce can be read easily on your desired format.
We offer low prices for our eBook conversion services. Before providing a quote we process several pages of the book as a sample. Pricing can be at a fixed price per book or per page depending on the volume and number of characters involved. In either case we offer competitive pricing for our services.
Our team of trained experts allows for time efficient and accurate eBook conversion. We have experience with projects ranging from a single book to hundreds of them and are prepared to handle a wide range of requirements with fast turnaround times.
Outsourcing eBook creation services
Brief Look into eBook History and Use